Thursday, 28 March 2013

Realm of Chaos Warband

Tonight I generated my chaos warband to use in my Realms of Chaos/Warrior Heros - Legends mashup. Which basically involves using the excellent Warrior Heroes - Legends encounter generation and NPC reaction system with the more familiar (and fully featured) Warhammer Realm of Chaos backstory and combat system. This marriage I hope, will provide me with the ability to play a solo Realm of Chaos warband narrative campaign.

So first things first, my warband leader. I rolled a D100 on the starting profiles table and got a 25. Looks like my chaos champion is a dark elf. I rolled again for his or her level and the perfidious gods of chaos gave me a 01.

So that's a basic Dark elf with the following stats.

M WS BS S T W I A Ld Int Cl WP

I roll a D6 for the Champion's starting equipment and receive a 4, spending it on a suit of heavy armour for 3 points and a sword with the remaining point.

I decided to pledge my champion's allegiance to Chaos in its purest form rather than submit to any one particular Chaos Power, and so I consulted the Mark of Undivided Chaos section for my starting rewards, which says
If the new champion chooses to worship Chaos in it's undivided glory, rather than a specific Chaos Power, then he receives a random reward from the Chaos Rewards Table. He also receives a random Chaos Attribute.

And so I rolled on the Chaos Rewards table to see how Chaos first favours it's new champion. A roll of 79 - Gift of the Gods, which states
The Champion has come to the special attention of his Chaos Patron assuming he has one. Refer to the Patron's gift table and randomly generate a gift from the Patron himself. The resulting gift cannot be refused, even if it is a Chaos Attribute. If the Champion has no Patron then he cannot have a Gift of the Gods. The result is rerolled - if Gift of the Gods is rolled for a second time then the Champion is rewarded with a Chaos Attribute instead.

So that's a re-roll then for my unaligned Chaos Champion. This time I rolled a 94, The Eye of God. Sounds ominous...

The Powers of Chaos turn their attention to the Chaos Champion, weighing his deeds against his usefulness, and deciding what will be his fate. The Champion cannot refuse the Eye of God as he can other gifts, but must stand before the Powers and receive his judgement
  1. If the Champion has 6 or more Gifts but less than 6 Chaos Attributes then the Champion has pleased his Patron. The Patron rewards his Champion with immortality. The Champion leaves the mortal world and becomes a Daemon Prince, sitting alongside his Patron in the Realm of Chaos.
  2. If the Champion has 6 or more Chaos Attributes then the Patron decides his slave is no longer worthy to serve as one of his Champions. The Patron rewards his Champion by turning him into a Chaos Spawn.
  3. If the Champion has less than 6 gifts and less than 6 Chaos Attributes then his Patron reviews his progress with interest and allows the Champion to continue in his service. The Patron rewards the Champion by giving him a Chaos Weapon with 1 randomly generated property. If the Champion is a Wizard he also receives +1 attack and +1 wound. Champions other than wizards and Champions of Khorne, are given the powers of a Wizard with a magic level of 1 and the associated number of spells and magic points. Champions of Khorne are given a collar of Khorne plus a Fleshhound instead; second and subsequent gifts of collars may be passed ontoa follower.

Given that my Champion has just started his fateful journey, point 3 applies. He rolls for a Chaos Weapon with 1 property and receives a weapon with Impunity. 

The blade's pommel and hilt are made from the still-living heart and ribs of a failed servant of the Chaos Gods. The blade increases it's bearers wounds by 1/5.
So that would be 5 extra Wounds if this was Warhammer Role Play, but as we are playing WFB, it's 1 extra wound for my Champion. Coupled with the level 1 magician's powers a good result! His stats now stand as 

M WS BS S T W I A Ld Int Cl WP

Next comes the roll on the Chaos Attributes table, 539, Levitation! 

Finally, we roll for my new Champion's followers, and the dice come up 21; D6 Beastmen of the Champion's Patron, as my Champion has no patron I get D6 regular Beastmen with an average saving throw of 6. I roll a 2. So there we have it, my new Champion, a floating Dark Elf with a few spells and a pair of Beastmen followers.

To the Paint Desk!

New recruits from an Ebay action

These 1980's citadel chaos figures were among the box that arrived for me today, thanks to a bit of unscrupulous last second bidding on my part, which, if truth be told, didn't make me feel too bad as the highest bidder had the sort of feedback numbers that in all likelihood marked him out as trader who would have just split the figures up into single lots to resell at fixed prices of at least 5 quid each. Well, at least that's what I tell myself when I feel guilty about my bidding tactics :)

The lots contained some classic old miniatures, including a dozen or so of Scarloc's elven archers, on old school regimental bases no less, a Goblin King's chariot, Noldor Deep Elves from citadel's original LOTR range, the Brommidir personality figure from the Bloodbath at Orc's Drift scenario for 2nd edition Warhammer and most importantly for me, lots of old school chaos figures,including the majority of the old Chaos Dwarf Renegades set.

Some of the figures appear to have suffered from lead oxidisation, nothing shocking considering their age and the high lead content of miniatures back then. But I'm hoping a soaking in a mildly acidic solution such as vinegar and a good stiff brushing will sort them out. 

So here they are...

Chaos Dwarf Renegades.
Chaos Dwarf Renegades. 
Chaos Dwarf Renegades

Chaos Sorcerers. 


Chaos Warriors.

Chaos Warriors.

Chaos Warriors.
Thugs and a Minotaur.


Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Chaos Sorcerer

Another old Realms of Chaos era mini, this time a sorcerer I've painted in a more 'Nurgley' colour scheme. A heavy reliance on Foundry's Phlegm Green for the bulk of the miniature, and their boneyard and spearshaft triads elsewhere. Like so many citadel miniatures of the era he is a variation on a base theme, in fact he is brother to a miniature that formed the leader of my old Nurgle warband back when The Lost and the Damned was first unleashed.
The miniature in question held a scythe in his right hand and was making the 'devil sign' with his left. Sadly I haven't managed to find him on ebay yet for a reasonable price, so this guy will have to do for now.

Fun mini to paint, all I need now is some decent basing materials ;)

Monday, 11 March 2013

Morlock Soul Reaper

At least that's what he started life as in the Citadel catalogue, way back in 1987. He seems to have undergone a few make-overs since then, most notably the addition of a spiffing set of horns.

I got the miniature as part of a job lot of old 1980 minis in an ebay auction. He was badly painted, but a few nights soaking in neat dettol followed by a plenty of good scrubbings with a toothbrush and detergent soon sorted that out.

I painted him up using a combo of foundry and citadel paints, foundry bright red shade 15A as a base for the armour, followed by a few washes of citadel druchi violet. Then I worked up the highlights with foundry bright red 15B and C finally edging out the armour with yellow.